UCP employment program
The UCP Employment Program helps individuals with disabilities get competitive jobs with prevailing wage with high expectations. It is our mission that these individuals are seen for their abilities, not disabilities. They can do just as everyone else, and they want to! This is all person-led; from the job to the UCP supports given.
Employment isn’t just getting a job. Our team carries out many tasks to support our participants, from interview prep, to filling out applications to help with figuring out transportation, plus active, ongoing support once they have
secured a job. This includes soft skills, too, such as communicating at work. We stay with participants for the entirety of the job, not just in the beginning – and we check on them years down the road if they still have that job
or if they have progressed onward in their careers.
Last Year:
141 Individuals Served
89% obtained a job in a timely manner
100% Satisfaction on surveys
5 New businesses hired through the program